Sunday, July 8, 2007

Outside Green

Chano and his crew returned today to put two coats of Cushing Green on the siding. At last, a uniform color for the whole house. We chose this green for many reasons. We've been collecting photos of houses with comparable color schemes. It's a fairly popular tone in Portland - sage or mossy green. We didn't want anything resembling the interior greens of our house pre-remodel (for a reminder, click here.) It's a medium-toned color, neither too dark nor too light. We've read that light colors age quickly due to dirt and stains, and that dark colors age due to fading. Our Powell Paint friends employ a great "color consultant" who helped us to narrow our scope.

Tomorrow they'll return to finish with the trim colors which include marble white, a creamier version of the original, and a brown that resembles the ipe for an accent color. They'll also stain the soffit a similar brown.

Primer 2

Here's a backyard view of the primed house.

Primer 1

On Saturday Chano's crew taped off all non-siding parts of the house, including windows, doors, some roof sections, and decking. They even put plastic over our car and truck to protect them from overspray. The taping took hours. The spray application of primer took a fraction of that.

Stair Nose

Don came by last Tuesday and Wednesday and helped with bamboo stair treads and some finer finish work like these stair nose cuts. Don's been working in floor finishings for years and his skills produced some professional results. Thanks Don!