Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Room With a View

This is looking from the front entry way out through that giant hole in the last photo. Taken just minutes before the green staircase leaves this home forever.

The Void

The crew covers this exposed portion of the house with their giant blue tarp when they're not working, and we were lucky to get a shot of the gaping hole before the scaffolding went up. That lathe and plaster wall is 100 years old, but will be coming out over the next few weeks and will be replaced by a set of french doors. The corner window will also be pulled out and will become a shear (support) wall.

Loading the Flatbed

The longer section is loaded onto the flatbed. This section and its sister will each end up in different homes as independent staircases. We sold the stairs through Craigslist the week before they were pulled out of the house.

Crane Stitch

Jules, one of the Green Hammer guys, actually owns this crane/flatbed truck combo. I'm not sure if he was joking when he told me that his insurance policy specifically forbids bungee jumping from the crane.

Stair Extraction: Motion Picture

Here's a short video of the crew pulling out the 14' top section of the stairs. The total stair height as assembled was just over 21'. Oh, since our camera doesn't record audio, we added a ridiculously unnecessary overdub of heavy machinery.