Thursday, July 5, 2007

Backyard Conditioning

Rachael and Hannah have spent a lot of time working on the back yard, getting it ready for planting next year. All this corrugated cardboard is from the numerous materials and appliances we've been bringing to the house. Instead of recycling it, we're using it kill the grass, after which it will naturally compost into the yard. We spread straw (not hay, which has seeds) around on the bare earth areas to reduce mud and sawdust migration into the house. In late June we were still having periodic rain and it was making a real mess of the place. The straw works out great: it's soft to walk on, keeps the mud down, provides cavities into which the sawdust to can fall (below shoe-sole level), and gives an overall cleaner look to yard.

This coming Tuesday, Rachael will oversee the dispersion of 15 cubic yards of new soil. The soil, which is a mix of organic mulch, sandy loam (a medium-smallish sediment), topsoil and manure, will be blown in by Grimm's Fuel. 15 cubic yards is a LOT of soil - 15 truckloads (in Rach's little Nissan) worth. Having it blown in will save Rachael a few days worth of backbreaking hauling.

Front Stairs

The upper set of front porch stairs are almost done. The lower set of stairs, which will be out of the photo to the left, will be rock construction. More on that later this week after the stone is delivered.

Bamboo Treads

The interior stairwell to the second floor is pushing forward. After this shot was taken, Jason installed trim around the landing baseboard. We still need to finish a few lower steps (down and to the left in this photo) and the basement stairs still need risers and treads. Next week we'll hopefully have the railing and bannister posts in.