Monday, April 23, 2007

Slate Green Challenge

I encourage all of our loyal readers to participate in the Slate Green Challenge. It's a seven-week program that helps assess your carbon footprint while introducing tangible steps you can implement to decrease your fossil fuel consumption. It's packaged in the form of articles and associated quizzes, and has a problem-solving, not nagging, approach.

One thing that's surprised us is how large of an impact some seemingly small choices have on our personal footprint. We're feeling mighty good about our decision to purchase all new low-e windows and up the R-value of our insulation. We're feeling mighty guilty about our penchants for air travel.

Earth Advantage: Update

Seems that, since our March meeting with Earth Advantage, the organization has opted to phase out their remodeled-home certification division. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), the most widespread and arguably well-respected "green-building" rating system, has yet to implement a remodeling certification process. Both groups are currently focusing solely on new construction.

Alas, this leaves us without a badge to pin to the house (or our lapels) in honor of our efforts. Good thing we were doing it for the karma, eh?

Look in the near future for a summary of the specific "sustainable" aspects of the remodel.